Sir James Smith's Community School

Duke of Edinburgh Award

These awards not only look good on your CV, but they are also fun!  They are non-competitive and involve practical skills and hobbies as well as expeditions.  Any 14-25 year old can take part.  For more information see:

DofE has been running at Sir James Smith’s since 2008.  We are able to offer the Bronze award to Years 9, 10 and 11 (or in Years 10 or 11 you may be able to start straight onto the Silver award).

Please see below for Kit Lists, Enrolment forms and D of E Expectations for 2019/20:

If you would like a copy of the timetable, consent form or further information, please contact:

 in Mrs Jo Jones on 01840 213274



Our expedition training takes place in the spring term; usually over 3 Saturdays and after school on a Tuesday.  The expeditions are planned for the the summer term. 

The timetable is finalised in September each year and is displayed on the D of E notice board along with other information.  The notice board can be found at the end of the Languages Corridor just inside the outside double doors.