Dear Parents/Carers
Sir James Smith’s School is delighted to announce that we offer the facility to make payments online for school activities such as school trips, exam re-sit fees, school uniform and PE Kit sales.
We will send payment notifications via e-mail and/or text message advising you that a new payment is due. The message will contain an individual password and will direct you to the website, where you can log on and make your payment. Your log in details will be your main mobile number, e-mail address and the password issued. It is very important that the school has your most up-to-date contact information, so please notify the school if you have recently changed your mobile number or e-mail address.
Parents/carers who do not have an e-mail address or mobile number can telephone the School Finance Office to make payment over the telephone using either debit or credit card.
Many parents/carers will welcome the certainty that money paid using Schoolmoney will reach school quickly and safely. We are hoping that everyone will benefit considerably from this new improved facility. School Money is easy to use and you have the freedom to make payments whenever you want, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Gone are the days of either finding the correct change or writing a cheque to pay for your child’s activities and school uniform.
To access the Parent User Guide, please click here.
If you have any questions or problems please contact the school finance office.
We hope you will enjoy using the Schoolmoney service.