Sir James Smith's Community School

Triggshire Orchestra

Triggshire Orchestras meet at Sir Jim’s

On Wednesday afternoons two outstanding orchestras can be found rehearsing in the West End between 5.00 and 6.30 pm.  Both involve children from all over North Cornwall, in both primary and secondary education.

Triggshire Wind Orchestra, conducted by Janet Elston, includes woodwind, brass and percussion players and their repertoire includes film music, classics and jazz.

Trigg Strings is conducted by Barbara Degener.  They include the full range of orchestral string instruments and also play a range of music, from classical to modern.

Both orchestras are run by Cornwall Music Service Trust staff who encourage young people to become members, introducing them to the musical, social and rewarding experience of playing in an ensemble.  They perform concerts around North Cornwall towards the end of each term.

For further information, please contact the school, who will pass your details on to the relevant person.

Triggshire Orchestra